The Travel Gap

Thailand: Week 11 - Report

The Truth About Teaching English at 19

My Struggles With Teaching I’ve decided to do something entirely different for this week’s report. Now, as to whether this is a product of genius inspiration or a sudden manic episode, your guess is as good as mine. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this deeper glimpse into my thoughts and adventures this week.

Thailand: Week 11 - Teaser

This week got off to a rough start. On Monday, I woke up feeling fairly ill. It was so bad that I skipped my habitual morning run and hit snooze on my alarm. I rested all morning and planned to stick it out in the afternoon in order to teach a class at a new school. However, upon seeing my condition, the school director told me to stay at TBA rest.

Thailand: Week 10 - Report

Celebrating Loy Krathong

Loy Krathong Tuesday was a special Thai festival called Loy Krathong, which is celebrated across the entire country during the twelfth full moon of the Thai calendar. The celebrations usually consist of music, dancing, and lots of food. However, the biggest part of Loy Krathong is floating a little boat on the river.

Thailand: Week 09 - Report

Buddhist Living

Obligatory Preface I’ve previously written about my experience with the Ariya Center (see Thailand: Week 04 - Report), however, after now spending an additional five days there, I can say that my initial observations were quite wrong. For starters, the Ariya Center isn’t really a monastery, but is better described as a Buddhist practice center.

Thailand: Week 09 - Teaser

An Isaac Watkins Halloween Special

Goblins, Ghosts, and Witches, Oh My!