The Travel Gap

Thailand: Week 22 - Report

Appreciating the Little Things

Letter Cutting The Thai Baan Association has been busy preparing for a major event that’s supposed to take place in two weeks (you’ll have to wait for the Week 24 Report to read more about that), which also means that I’ve been given special tasks to do when I’m not teaching.

Thailand: Week 21 - Report

An Afternoon in Maha Sarakham

Pa Lam, two kids from the village, and I traveled to Maha Sarakham, the capital city of the province bearing its name. Here, we went to the university, a popular temple, and had a few places in between. From eating delicious food to fun sightseeing, it was a great afternoon in the (local) big city.

Thailand: Week 20 - Report

Rice Revelations

It’s a bit crazy to think that I’ve spent 20 weeks in Thailand and have been able to maintain weekly posting throughout. I’m so thankful for each and every one of you and for all the emails, comments, and viewership. It’s a bittersweet announcement to make, but there are now only 5 weeks until I’m stateside.

Thailand: Week 19 - Report

Christmas in January

This post is an update to The Great Christmas Card Exchange, so if you haven’t read Thailand: Week 15 - Report or need a refresher, be sure to check out that post before you read this one. Distributing Christmas Cards Admittedly, Christmas was three weeks ago, so I wasn’t exactly punctual with the card distribution.

Thailand: Week 18 - Report

Honing in Domestic Skills

Between the long New Year’s holiday and different school events, I only taught four lessons this week (three schools and one private lesson). After the business of last week’s Christmas party, you’d think that I’d be thrilled to have a more relaxed week, but after spending the first day doing nothing, I began to grow restless.