Thailand: Week 03 - Teaser

A Week of Misfortune

Posted by Isaac on Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Warning: this post discusses sicknesses and various unpleasant symptoms outside of the normal scope of this blog. If this is something that you don’t want to read about, then I would suggest you to skip over this post.

My Illness in Thailand

Staying true to the motifs of the previous two weeks, this has been a week unlike any other. On Sunday, everyone at Thai Baan Association (TBA) was preparing for the huge celebration on Monday in honor of Pa Lam, the director, turning fifty. Sunday was especially hot and I’d been so busy helping with the preparations that I hadn’t been drinking as much water as I should have. As a result, I became a little dehydrated and was sent to bed early.

The following day, the symptoms had gotten worse. My body was struggling to stay cool. I also got dizzy upon standing and suffered from faintness. I was brought to Ma Newt’s house, my “Thai Mother,” where I was taken care of for the day. I had to miss all the celebrations, but I was weak and unable to do much anyway.

On Tuesday, I woke up with a rash over my hands, feet, and face. My feet were more sensitive than normal. Pa Lam brought me to the local clinic where the doctor immediately referred me to the Wapi Pathum Hospital due to my symptoms being similar to Monkeypox. Upon arriving at the hospital, I was quickly escorted by nurses to the Infectious Disease ward. I was informed that I was under a government mandated quarantine until my Monkeypox test came back negative.

As for the test, two nurses came into my room in full PPE suits. They drew blood, cut skin samples, and scrapped for skin cells. They listed off all the tests that were going to be ran and then tried to insert a peripheral venous catheter into my left hand. That, however, failed and they had to insert it into my right hand. After what felt like a thousand sticks and pokes within a thirty minute span, they administered an antihistamine, gave me some saline, and went on their way.

Today, I received my negative Monkeypox test, which meant that I’m no longer in isolation. I said goodbye to the era of having to communicate my vitals to the nurses via a messaging app and happily welcomed in the era of (more) traditional care. I still haven’t received an official diagnosis yet and have to stay overnight again in order to meet with the specialist. However, I do know that I don’t have anything serious and should be able to head back to the TBA soon and have full recovery within a few weeks.

These past few days have been a journey and I can’t say that it has been a particularly enjoyable one. It has been an isolating and emotionally draining time. However, I also acknowledge that the situation could’ve been much worse. I’m blessed for the outcome that I’ve received and will continue to keep everyone updated within my normal posting schedule. Stay great!

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