Thailand: Week 06 - Teaser

Posted by Isaac on Wednesday, October 12, 2022

In terms of “exciting adventures,” this week has been pretty devoid. No mountains were climbed, no rivers were crossed, and no lands were discovered. However, despite the lack of my traditional exciting exploits, this has already been a more formative week than most.

For starters, I’m on a (very) brief hiatus from teaching in order to better plan and accommodate the influx of interested students. I’ve been working with Pa Lam and some staff at TBA to create a curriculum and more formalized classroom structure, so stay tuned to hear more about that in the upcoming weeks.

In regards to personal development, that’s where most of my energy has been focused this week. Everyday I have focused some time on reading, programming, exercising, writing, practicing guitar, and yes, lesson planning. In other words, I work for a couple hours a day on teaching and the website and then I get to spend the rest of my time appreciating and learning about Thai culture and bettering myself. Quite the sick deal if I say so myself.

Due to the nature of this week, I haven’t taken many photos, but I know how much you enjoy seeing pictures, so enjoy this photo I dazedly took during my evening run by a rice paddy.

Running by a Rice Paddy

Running by a Rice Paddy

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